Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fish Tacos

Ok, so most people have eaten fish tacos these days. There seems to be some version of them on every menu at every beach restaurant. What I didn't realize is how quick and easy they would be. Here's what I did.
  1. First, I put tilapia fillets in a baking dish, sprinkled them with a little garlic powder and chili powder. Then baked them for about 25 minutes @ 375 degrees.
  2. Next, I whipped up a fresh batch of coleslaw. Well...I didn't have any coleslaw so I just thinly cut some lettuce and mixed in mayo, salt, & pepper.
  3. Last, yes that's right, this is the final step. I put all the fish fillets in a bowl. Took a fork and broke them all up into little pieces. Then used the fish pieces to fill the the taco shells.
  4. Taco shell, fish, topped with coleslaw, drizzled with hot sauce!
  5. Thirty minutes start to finish!!!! AWESOME & TASTY!
Oh, I forgot to mention that most places use soft taco shells. I used hard shells - there's my twist! :)

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